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how to _check a checkbox inside a label?

sathyendrasathyendra Members
edited July 2013 in Sahi - Open Source
I have checkbox inside the label as below.

<div class="fields1 ">
<label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="10" id="rolesCheck-10" name="rolesCheck[]">Roles Admin</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" checked="checked" value="5" id="rolesCheck-5" name="rolesCheck[]">SCM Admin</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="11" id="rolesCheck-11" name="rolesCheck[]">User Admin</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="9" id="rolesCheck-9" name="rolesCheck[]">User Authentication / Access</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="12" id="rolesCheck-12" name="rolesCheck[]">SCM Guest</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="32" id="rolesCheck-32" name="rolesCheck[]">satTestMail</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="14" id="rolesCheck-14" name="rolesCheck[]">SVN Guest</label><br><label><input type="checkbox" class="roleclass" value="18" id="rolesCheck-18" name="rolesCheck[]">Admin</label></div>

i tried to use _check(_checkbox({className:"roleclass"},_in(_label("Admin")))); but not able to check/enable the checkbox.

How can i do this?


  • Hi sathyendra,
    What version of Sahi OS are you using?
    The script statement you'e written is correct and it works for Sahi OS version 4.4 i.e the latest released Sahi version.

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